Friday, September 14, 2007

Chemtrails: Croatia 'shoots' back (hr/ita/eng)

Duration: 05:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 15:05:14
User: CowboyBebop2012
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Text in Croatian, Italian & English. Compilation of chemtrails from all over Croatia - a united front. Had problems with the software so it's not perfect, but it'll do for the first draft. A piece of text missing at the end that reads; ''Good luck to you all'' Testo in croato, italiano e inglese. Compilazione di scie chimiche da tutte le parti dalla Croazia - un fronte unito. Ho avuto un po di problemi con il software percio non e perfetto pero spero possa passare come la prima versione. Manca un ultimo testo con semplicemente: ''In bocca al lupo a tutti.'' Tekst na hrvatskom, talijanskom i engleskom. Kompilacija chemtrailsa sa svih strana Hrvatske.Imao sam malo problema sa kompjuterom pa nije savrseno, ali se nadam da je dovoljno za prvu verziju. Nedostaje samo jedan tekst na kraju, a to je jednostavno: ''Sretno svima.'' :)

CowboyBebop2012 ::: Favorites
jazzroc your last three comments are deleted because you used insults. I never did. Try it politely. I'm sure it won't be a difficulty for you since you tend to copy-paste your point-of-view all over youtube.
07-09-12 22:15:30
HaunebuIII ::: Favorites
People WAKE UP!!!
07-09-10 04:43:46
countmedwell ::: Favorites
kraj je blizu,svi cemo pomrijeti woohoo
07-09-09 13:39:11
nicscics ::: Favorites
Great work!
07-09-09 12:18:09
im2stoned2care ::: Favorites
UK has just admitted chemtrails since the 70s, still happens every day here where I live. This is population control at its worst. On the 22nd of september there is a worldwide strike against this type of methods used by this corrupt new world order. Stand up with me and thousands more and say no more on the 22nd !!
07-09-08 14:59:53
CowboyBebop2012 ::: Favorites
Oh yeah, and ppl demanding a public enquiery are per example David Orman, army officer with his wife Janette born in East Lulworth in Dorset close to where many of the chem-biological warfare trials took place... You may have made 'your studies' but I have first hand opinion from a dear friend - ex military pilot - and that's that these are no freakin' ordinary contrails...
07-09-06 20:31:46
CowboyBebop2012 ::: Favorites
Oh man - Carnicom caught them in bloody New Mexico - over the desert on summer days (in the desert MAN!) - if you don't trust the overly humid Mediterranean climate. 32 C - 39% humidity - clear sky - it's a rarity to get a normal short-breath contrail - but we get grids that expand all day long and cover the entire sky as cloud cover... Come on man
07-09-06 20:28:28
CowboyBebop2012 ::: Favorites
Second, you still leave aside evidence - presented in evidence by many of the videos you mentioned - showing close-up ''contrails'' forming directly from the body of the plane - and that's not how normal contrails form - or you'll call me a liar on that one too? That's the easiest way, isn't it. Or those showing 6 separate trails ensuing from 4 or 2 engine planes... What's your 'crusaders' explanation for that?
07-09-06 20:14:47
CowboyBebop2012 ::: Favorites
Oh man, jazzrock - the article is 'MILLIONS WERE IN WAR GERM TESTS' - and ppl can check it out for themselves in the Guardian archives on-line section. The boat thing is just a part of it. Did you, by any chance, deliberately 'forget' the part of the article involving planes and aerial spraying?
07-09-06 20:10:01
jazzroc ::: Favorites
There's NO SPRAYING going on - just your regular passenger shuttle traffic, but on a day with a PARTICULARLY HUMID ATMOSPHERE. Even on a clear blue sky day the air contains water. I looked out today and it was such a sky, checked the Relative Humidity (65%) and in a minute or two had calculated that this CLEAR BLUE SKY contained within a radius of SIX miles and a height of FIVE miles THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TONS OF WATER.
07-09-06 18:46:45

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