Saturday, September 1, 2007

Stand Up Comedian Kevin Michel NYC

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-20 21:38:54
User: kevinlmichel
:::: Favorites

Comedian Kevin Michel jokes about his love for animals.

11cowcowcow12 ::: Favorites
He's awesome live!
07-07-10 05:40:49
hzle254 ::: Favorites
the didnt bring it out all that great
07-03-31 18:59:33
KennyDAnthony ::: Favorites
Great stuff again Kevin!
07-02-07 20:01:34
funnypeoplehere ::: Favorites
Loved it!
06-10-13 22:49:28
Mailsnail1 ::: Favorites
Kevin's much funnier live.
06-10-11 00:10:14
r35p3kt87 ::: Favorites
:| He sucks!
06-09-25 23:23:16
XxDarkDemonPrincessX ::: Favorites
lol, nice
06-09-24 16:19:12
fucktheothercalmo ::: Favorites
are you serious?, can't you clearly see that this man is not funny at all? he wasn't made for stand up he's like an emo or w/e u call em, he tells some lame ass jokes
06-09-24 03:23:32
mailyous ::: Favorites
Simple, but very funny. Kevin Michel is fantastic . . . .
06-08-16 13:14:21
juicysally ::: Favorites
WOOOO! Funny! Funny!
06-08-09 14:42:41

Im Looking For A Japanese Girlfriend

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-02 13:46:26
User: bakaface
:::: Favorites

A bunny on a quest

bakaface ::: Favorites
yes it is.
07-08-10 18:49:13
bakaface ::: Favorites
I think you should make a video, I'm looking for a japanese boy friend. Do it I dare ya. lol
07-08-10 18:49:00
prettyinblack10101 ::: Favorites
:( i know how you feel well but with a boy ;(
07-08-10 17:55:23
prettyinblack10101 ::: Favorites
is that you XD
07-08-10 17:52:42
bakaface ::: Favorites
hahaha. ^_^ we just might be lol.
07-07-09 09:51:46
iloveallecchianime ::: Favorites
dude arent we all?
07-07-09 03:57:33
Jjasonrev ::: Favorites
I found the girl i wanted already . I knew her from Japan Maple story and we're like friends at first..then we chatted all along and she gave me her hotmail . I added her and then we webcammed with each other and i made a promise that I'll go to japan and get her some day . But it's really sad that we're so far apart :(
07-06-23 22:51:24
bluA7 ::: Favorites
Domo Arigato..I'll keep looking.
07-06-11 14:09:51
bakaface ::: Favorites
Don't lose hope, she's out here ^_^
07-06-11 10:03:09
bluA7 ::: Favorites
wow, me too. =(
07-06-11 07:29:49

batman's not a feminist...

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-26 04:45:59
User: battim
:::: Favorites

oh how we grovel when she calls..

battim ::: Favorites
07-08-12 18:31:49
HtotheB ::: Favorites
Open you own can of chicken and stars, pussy.
07-08-12 16:59:06
chirpwi ::: Favorites
funny video...but too loud at the beginning
07-08-10 13:24:17
FlyAway1516 ::: Favorites
Not in my house.
07-07-24 18:24:52
subfloorjoist ::: Favorites
this video is funny as hell and is probably meant to offend noone but the angry feminist that disearve to be angry. its also funny that feminists can get upset about it. taught to be angry?
07-06-22 02:43:58
Therippleaffect ::: Favorites
hahaha. That was some funny shit.
07-04-11 23:05:52
sitasati ::: Favorites
07-03-30 08:24:15
BloggerMusicMan ::: Favorites
LOL! Nice sarcasm. To anyone who's offended, he's playing a character and he's being sarcastic. Hense the category it's under.
07-02-10 16:24:56
hussy ::: Favorites
why does batman sound like bush?
07-02-10 01:25:55
YTWonderWoman ::: Favorites
And you are a poof..
07-01-28 01:02:50

britney spears oops i did it again live in london

Duration: 05:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-28 10:08:49
User: britneyroxmyworld
:::: Favorites

britney spears oops i did it again live from wembley london. oops tour.

xDAAAAANY ::: Favorites
..listen to how much the audience loves herr! =]
07-08-22 02:07:57
wiloconyx ::: Favorites
i was at this concert! can you of someone tell me where i can find this full concert??? i could never find it , and it is amazing too have it as a memory . Thanx ;)
07-08-19 21:16:24
sweetstrawberry1993 ::: Favorites
Britneys cool shes made alot of good songs
07-08-19 15:10:42
iamsandrac ::: Favorites
Great outfit, great body, this is Britney Spears!
07-08-18 19:37:47
savysky2 ::: Favorites
i knew she sang live. this is amazing!!!!!!!!
07-08-16 19:33:47
elizabethrhauk ::: Favorites
I agree. :)
07-08-02 02:06:28
07-07-25 00:06:24
directoREi ::: Favorites
HAHAHA. Like when she sang "Baby One More Time" in her tour in early 2000. Clever...
07-07-24 22:28:33
I like to pause at 4:26, wait awhile and then say 1 2 3 4 then play it agian!!
07-07-08 12:59:28
andthenwekiss19 ::: Favorites
i've never seen this! she sings very good with the dancing!
07-07-07 11:19:07

Marija Serifovic Eurovision 2007 LIVE(HRT)

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-11 12:59:19
User: burmutica
:::: Favorites

Marija Serifovic Eurovision 2007 LIVE

AnasrbijA ::: Favorites
Jedva cekam Eurosong u Begis areni. Kuca mi je vec rezervisana za fanove, potrpacemo se nas 10oro u 3 kreveta, al nije mi Eurosong na 5 minuta od kuce svake godine, ovo se ne propusta. 24. Maj 2008 Eurovision Song Contest 2008 Svi su pozvani na dobar provod i ludih 10 dana u BGu
07-08-29 06:39:28
anchy987 ::: Favorites
prosetaj se do bilo kog hrvatskog foruma i videces da je 80% komentara u stilu *dobili eurosong zbog kosova*, *kako je pobedila onako ruzna sa sve lezbejkama na sceni* a da ne govorim o hrpi komentara tipa *da bog da im uvedu sankcije da sledece godine ne mogu da organizuju* ! nazalost, malo vas je takvih kao ti, a ne radi se o ukusu nego o srpsko-hrvatskim odnosima i o zavisti sto je srbija pobedila, a pesma i marija nikom tamo nisu ni bitne
07-08-13 06:24:14
blizanka6252 ::: Favorites
draga AnasrbijA, nitko u hr nije popljuvao Marijinu pjesmu. meni je stvarno drago kaj je pobjedila i navijala sam za nju od kako sam je cula na vasem izboru...see ya u bg-u...
07-08-09 13:21:07
anchy987 ::: Favorites
Samo sto je umesto da kaze ko peva za Srbiju i da neke osnovne informacije pricao o tome kako se Finci zabavljaju samo weekendom LOL
07-08-03 19:38:55
Cakany ::: Favorites
Dusko Curlic je odlican voditelj.
07-08-03 14:18:29
zenerm ::: Favorites
shit is this ukraina is teh best :D
07-08-03 07:59:32
ThisWitchBites ::: Favorites
hewbshd bndj jsen jsj 0 jsjen jsk j?
07-08-01 17:43:04
AnasrbijA ::: Favorites
hvala na glasu. samo da mi je znati kako je reagovao taj voditelj kad smo u finalu pobedili ? sta je tacno rekao ? buduci da znam da su mariju u hrvatskim medijima na sva usta napljuvali, interesujeme reakcija posle pobede.
07-08-01 08:34:50
AnasrbijA ::: Favorites
Boze mili, lepsu devojku od Sanje ja nisam u zivotu videla na TVu. Marijina ruznoca se i neuocava od ovolike Sanjine lepote. Da su missicu nasli ne bi ovako prelepo izgledala ko nasa Sanjci.
07-07-31 19:31:40
sandzoTutinac ::: Favorites
07-07-31 13:16:03

Dance With my Father (Sung by Esmee Denters) - Club Penguin

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 22:29:13
User: melesska
:::: Favorites

I got a word wrong...I know I did. Anyways...I thought her version was better than Luther' I did this one, instead. Took me a second! So Enjoy! Please rate and comment!

iceskatergirl881 ::: Favorites
ur welcome
07-08-30 20:37:15
playa83095 ::: Favorites
i love essme denters! and chimeafreaks is hillarious too!
07-08-30 14:20:54
kareen212 ::: Favorites
i kno. thanks =]]
07-08-29 15:20:47
iceskatergirl881 ::: Favorites
yeah i no wat ur saying just remember he's in a better place even if he's not here on earth to be with u
07-08-29 00:09:34
kareen212 ::: Favorites
yeah ive learned to be that way. i was sad, dont get me wrong, i just dont dwell on it. like, i had my sad times, then it was like, being depressed isnt gonna bring him bac, you know
07-08-28 16:32:11
iceskatergirl881 ::: Favorites
wow ur really being all strong bout it and stuff i think i'd b so sad if mine died or something
07-08-28 01:21:04
kareen212 ::: Favorites
nahh don't... i know he's in heaven so its like, why be sad you know? haha im being all deep on youtube =/ =]]]
07-08-26 18:53:09
iceskatergirl881 ::: Favorites
aw i feel so bad for u
07-08-26 17:09:32
kareen212 ::: Favorites
yeah mine passed away november... but im ok i mean i can think of him without getting really sad
07-08-26 10:28:11
iceskatergirl881 ::: Favorites
did ur die? mine didn't tho and my parents aren't devorced or anything he just went away for the week*snifs*
07-08-25 19:54:51

Spotting a Relationship

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-27 20:47:49
User: Narutoandothermanga
:::: Favorites

Neji and Tenten demonstrate how to tell if two people are in love. When I made this...using an on-screen keyboard to type cause my real keyboard isn't working...actually, I'm STILL using the on-screen keyboard while typing this! I'm also eating See's candy. ANYWAY! I thought that this would be a cute thing to do so I made it. I hope you enjoy it and I hope no one ignores this as if it didn't exist. =3

freemovies411 ::: Favorites
*looks at the comment below* MarikLover! *glomp* That's the second time you broadcasted my fanfics! *kawaii look* Yay! MarikLover is so sweet! :)
07-08-06 04:55:19
Mariklover109 ::: Favorites
Nice vid btw. It's funny Rates 5!
07-08-06 01:31:03
Mariklover109 ::: Favorites
Go To freemovies411 for NejiTen Fics! It's adventurous, funny(lotsa funny), and romantic. ^^.
07-08-06 01:27:16
xXTentenLoveNejiXx ::: Favorites
wowo that was sooooo awesome . I love it .I'll do it in my Vlog
07-07-18 14:50:19
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
Oh, it took me 3 days to make this due to having to download everything AVI form and II think I used episodes 214,215, 163, and some other ones I think.
07-06-09 11:50:42
ShadowTigeress ::: Favorites
:o How long? What episodes? xD
07-06-06 08:57:29
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
Yeah. But it was worth it. ^_^
07-05-31 09:58:27
ShadowTigeress ::: Favorites
xD Omg. Talk about pointing out the obvious! Man, you are GOOD! xD I loved it. Five stars. :3 Must have taken you a long timelooking through all those episodes to find the right segments, eh?
07-05-28 02:27:59
RaggedCaption111 ::: Favorites
thats funny
07-05-22 23:13:04
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
Why thank you!~
07-05-12 02:24:38

もってけ!セーラーふく HIPHOP Remix

Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 07:30:23
User: 2commic
:::: Favorites


GlyDeWhee ::: Favorites
USO!? Oreni okute?
07-08-30 11:24:28
keishif ::: Favorites
I podにいれていつも聞いてますw
07-08-30 11:23:20
shenjinchen ::: Favorites
5/5, great. love it Ps: i want a panda mask too XDDDD
07-08-29 18:49:40
GlyDeWhee ::: Favorites
Wow I want this SO bad rofl~Can u send me this? ほしぃい~!これ送ってもらえる?
07-08-28 05:05:51
xshadowfire ::: Favorites
i don't suppose you have a flac or mp3 of this D:
07-08-26 07:14:18
yatta1989 ::: Favorites
07-08-21 02:33:03
morusa777 ::: Favorites
これいいw 脳汁でまくり
07-08-20 19:44:10
shamenking101 ::: Favorites
i want a panda mask D:
07-08-17 00:14:17
GoRyder ::: Favorites
that was actually pretty good :D
07-08-11 07:17:26
00ekurea00 ::: Favorites
パンダ君、サイコー♪  楽しめましたv^^ このセンスは、好きです☆
07-08-07 22:23:51

Lou Dobbs Interviews UFCW Rep after Swift Raid

Duration: 05:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-16 21:24:51
User: DeportThemNow
:::: Favorites

***** Notice ******** Protected under the Fair Use Doctrine Our hero Lou Dobbs cuts right through the BS from this union rep and hits the nail on the head. Swift Company and the Commercial Food Workers Union are equally responsible for having hired and aided illegal aliens. No excuses!

BIGFREEZ ::: Favorites
The UFCW needs to dissapear like HOFFA! hes a sellout to the american people and only helps corporate outsorcing jobs and importing illegals. Kill that son of a bitch!
07-08-23 11:43:02
UFCWLOCAL152 ::: Favorites
Unions were created to ptrotect the WORKERS... no just one class of workers. This is a the goal of Unions around the world. They are not set up to protect one class of workers, but all that work in a union job. Blame the company and our governement who endorse outs out sourcing and sweat shop labor. The unins have great intentions but are held back by the Bush dictatorship.
07-06-24 16:04:19
snodozer ::: Favorites
you're either part of the problem .. or part of the solution! well put!
07-05-10 17:19:03
getrealidiot ::: Favorites
While i agree that the corporations benefit the most from cheap labor the union shouldnt endorse it! If anything they should be fighting against illegals they drive wages down.
07-05-07 15:44:46
r4ttl3 ::: Favorites
unions need more guns to shoot cops and right-wing tv presenters..
07-04-30 08:51:05
iagrv8 ::: Favorites
i'm sure the same ones who got deported are the same ones who marched and waved mexican flags on U.S. soil..good cry all you want back in your own country
07-01-27 13:46:37
togussa ::: Favorites
Lou Dobbs and Keith Olbermann need to be on the same network.
07-01-07 15:15:33
DeportThemNow ::: Favorites
Thank you for posting that Edward and thank you for standing up as an American who understands the problem here. It is not about race it is about ILLEGAL. We WANT the illegal aliens to be scared and we want them to go HOME.
07-01-06 02:24:59
edward3076 ::: Favorites
i work at swift and company i was there at one of the plant during the raid i work at the plant in wothtington mn iam mexican american my parents are form mexico and i was born in the united states. ICE was there to protect my rights they did not in any way made me feel scared or aprahensive i had no reason to feel that way becuse i had nothing to fear not did my dad and mother who work there for about 15 years.Only people who were there illegaly were the one who were in truble.
07-01-03 20:34:48
fitchmicah ::: Favorites
P.S. I would answer my question the same way.
06-12-26 16:32:35

Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow - Piano

Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-19 12:57:38
User: doufu89
:::: Favorites

Note: The page where I got the sheet music from doesn't work anymore, sorry... this is my first video on youtube so enjoy =)

hatake66kakashi ::: Favorites
yes i was the 100th person to RATE!!!!!!!! w00t!!!
07-08-31 16:54:25
demsexy ::: Favorites
o0o0o...ME ME ME! I want the sheet! Thanks.
07-08-30 14:37:32
whitebunnie ::: Favorites
hey, for anyone that wants the sheet music ask me :]
07-08-28 22:19:01
shou999 ::: Favorites
can you send me sheet music for this...^^ thanx...^^
07-08-26 19:10:49
earendylomg ::: Favorites
how i can download this nice musique?
07-08-23 00:36:58
earendylomg ::: Favorites
lol i like watch ur movie
07-08-23 00:09:01
freak240 ::: Favorites
i didnt want it 2 end
07-08-22 12:02:12
Azula18 ::: Favorites
this song is soo calming! i wanna learn how to play that song!
07-08-21 13:29:13
earendylomg ::: Favorites
you are better than all !! =]
07-08-21 01:39:00
earendylomg ::: Favorites
tro bien cet video tu sais bien jouer, exellent
07-08-21 01:36:05

Scooter crash

Duration: 00:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-10 21:16:14
User: Filmguy25
:::: Favorites

My friend and I with nothing to do

simon1234simon ::: Favorites
hahaahaha so funny
07-08-21 09:17:48
rean51 ::: Favorites
that was the stupiest thing i have evr seen-go die
07-07-12 10:11:57
PinhoDinho ::: Favorites
= =
07-06-06 13:00:11
poonjab2 ::: Favorites
your a fucking gay
07-05-29 19:41:30
tonia96 ::: Favorites
lmao your sucha geek =)
07-01-24 23:08:47
6fortyam ::: Favorites
07-01-11 04:28:45
jackalope454 ::: Favorites
thank you letting me feel so much beter about the quality of my scooter video
06-11-10 17:44:28
Teen4Christ92 ::: Favorites
haha that was so funny!
06-10-28 17:00:33
pokechamp ::: Favorites
06-10-26 00:43:52
susanxx ::: Favorites
haha jeff. nice one
06-10-20 13:57:51

HIM - For you (Acoustic piano cover

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 08:50:46
User: raipevek4
:::: Favorites

So, it's me playing HIM's For you with piano. Ending is a bit clumsy.. =P

stoopidjairo ::: Favorites
this was just great! you know what you should do? when love and death embrace and it would be so awesome if it were downloadable! lol this vid made me happy =] Thank you for doing these amazing piano covers!
07-08-31 20:34:13
raipevek4 ::: Favorites
Thank you everyone for your review!! You're awesome! :) Please check my new piano-cover of Passion's Killing Floor too, which I put here yesterday, from my profile.
07-08-25 16:40:03
antonettegrlbikini ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-25 09:35:42
matinaki84 ::: Favorites
You definately are my hero!!! I love your playing!!Do some moreeeee
07-08-23 13:19:25
Etni69 ::: Favorites
Omg that was AMAZING!!!!!!! :D
07-08-22 18:16:45
emssokewl ::: Favorites
wait, wut song is this? that wuz very good tho!
07-08-20 01:51:01
PinkHeartMelody ::: Favorites
very nice.
07-08-17 21:15:19
iseighteen ::: Favorites
that is just fucking crazy .......amazing
07-08-17 08:30:26
Gaffinator001 ::: Favorites
...un-fucking-believable! You're my hero.
07-08-15 01:44:33
s13punky ::: Favorites
holy crap yoo are soo good!! i love this song its one of my favs!! that was perfect! keep up the awsum work! WOW! <3
07-08-11 11:32:03

Naruto Shippuuden 27 (English Subbed) - Part 2

Duration: 10:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 23:50:45
User: HaloComet
:::: Favorites

Part 2 of 3 SUBSCRIBE for weekly (NEW) Naruto episodes. ENJOY!

trippinkhoang ::: Favorites
ive noticed that almost all of the naruto movies, each of the main characters of the movie * besides naruto* help naruto do the rasengan
07-09-01 02:21:32
SatanInPanties ::: Favorites
No wonder Sasori doesnt like to be kept waiting.
07-09-01 01:14:53
dogtransport ::: Favorites
Hey this video sucks go die in a fire
07-09-01 00:45:59
nerodmc4dante ::: Favorites
hmmmm this new thumbs up n down function seems to be rly good lol
07-09-01 01:32:00
kikigirl8 ::: Favorites
really kakshi doesnt have mangekyou sharingan because his isnt keke gankai but still this ep is awesome thks for upload!
07-09-01 00:21:02
NeoKrilik ::: Favorites
of course he isnt apart of the Uchiha Kekkei genkai, but since he has the sharingan he is able to use the mangekyou sharingan, but it is in a different form because he is not part of the uchiha kekkei genkai.
07-09-01 01:03:58
BadAssProductionz ::: Favorites
If u like Naruto roleplaying come here z11(dot)invisionfree(dot)com/Ninja_Kingdom
07-09-01 00:09:44
dattebayoYEAH ::: Favorites
aww, it just hurts to see sasori and his parents lying dead together.
07-08-31 23:58:24
deadringersilence ::: Favorites
dude living in the sand village must b like the projects cause evryones child hood is always fucked up and psycho there..hmmm
07-08-31 23:50:55
xxpinkxnightxx ::: Favorites
omg his eye!!!!!
07-08-31 23:42:56

DJ Ravine Ten Minutes of Hardstyle

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 11:39:48
User: DjRavine
:::: Favorites

UPDATE! MP3 now available for procurement! Hey guys! This time i got a Hardstyle mix for you guys! Also i got a Myspace! Add me at If you've already added a DJ Ravine called djravine07, please add me instead at ravinedj. djravine07 is a fan made Myspace. Also did you notice i got new headphones? Tracklisting GTP(Technoboy Remix) by Tatanka Hardbeat Market (Hardstyle Masterz Remix) - Builder Strike Again 2004 - Donkey Rollers Wise Guys - Zany & Tatanka Ravers Rules - Technoboy (Yes i know i go a bit crazy here) Yes i know there is no scratching =( I totally forgot!

TheAwesomeCj ::: Favorites
That isn't a bad idea.... Oo;
07-08-30 22:50:46
TheAwesomeCj ::: Favorites
07-08-30 22:45:22
TBoneGER ::: Favorites
What PRogram are you using for your Timecode Vinyls? VDJ? Sounds nice...
07-08-30 19:37:16
paco3000x ::: Favorites
you uses the donkey rolles strike again from the donkey rollers i dont want to be anoying but thats jumpstyle (in holland in belgium then)
07-08-30 14:53:10
adriaantje113 ::: Favorites
Good Hardstyle, youre very good
07-08-30 03:31:59
melanard ::: Favorites
excellent se ke tu fais c'est super DJ DRAN
07-08-28 18:24:56
TheAwesomeCj ::: Favorites
Lol, this is the song you were raving too in that other vid xD...
07-08-27 19:15:32
Ladylyla ::: Favorites
wow. nice ;) you are cute too xD I don't know anything abot this kind of music.. I listen usually rock and metal and stuff... but it sounds good. :)
07-08-27 13:19:23
djvantage93 ::: Favorites
what do you use to compress your videos
07-08-26 15:27:35
xxlimxx17 ::: Favorites
fuckin awsome mix
07-08-26 10:09:26

Fightstar - We Apologise For Nothing ( Live at York )

Duration: 04:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 07:20:45
User: crazymentalchris
:::: Favorites

Latest single

Moparandrsfreak01 ::: Favorites
07-08-30 05:01:53
theparrotfiend ::: Favorites
yea but she shouldnt be allowed to sing! lol!
07-08-29 14:58:19
crazymentalchris ::: Favorites
lol everyone is allowed a sing along.. i just put my cam a bit to close to her lol
07-08-29 14:25:16
Moparandrsfreak01 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 14:03:40
Moparandrsfreak01 ::: Favorites
there was some stupid woman in the background.
07-08-29 14:02:55
oth00 ::: Favorites
i wanna see them again so bad!
07-08-24 17:55:07
WanderersFan2006 ::: Favorites
AMEN!!! exactly!!!!
07-08-21 20:22:21
theparrotfiend ::: Favorites
that woman singing along fucking ruins it!
07-08-21 15:54:10
crazymentalchris ::: Favorites
love and peace please lol now lets all sit down and reflect.... feel better.. good Chris x
07-08-20 08:08:50
Marcus3500 ::: Favorites
PLUS if you read the other comments you may also see what i was coping at the beginning of the comment but never mind ay =)
07-08-20 08:04:22