Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scudetto Inter 2006-2007 - C'รจ solo l'inter - By Lithium

Duration: 05:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-14 03:12:03
User: LithiumChan

Montaggio video sullo scudetto dell'Inter 2006/2007, sulle note della stupenda "C'è solo l'Inter" composta da Elio. 97 punti, 30 vittorie complessive, di cui 17 consecutive, su 38 partite. 80 gol segnati con 18 diversi marcatori (praticamente non hanno segnato solo i portieri ;-P ). C'è poco altro da aggiungere. Forza Inter, sempre! Honors!! #41 - Most Discussed (Today) - Sports - Italy


LithiumChan  2008-03-11 09:39:15

Sono d'accordo che dovrebbero andare altrove dato che qui non ho offeso nessuno. Cmq evitiamo le parolacce grazie ^^ Mostriamoci superiori
rebustl  2008-03-11 09:37:05

ma perche i gobbi di merda non si trovano su un forum della serie b invece di venire a rompere i coglioni su un video celebrativo?
tUREkA83  2008-03-10 10:48:09

ahahah... Lasciateli parlare sti neopromossi juventini... ahahahahah!!!
mudusempere  2008-03-09 14:48:36

cento anni di storia e magia...grande inter...
LithiumChan  2008-03-09 10:32:12

Grazie! Noi interisti sappiamo che non serve essere volgari per rispondere alle provocazioni ;-P

David Allen Coe, Human Emotion/She Finally Crossed Over

Duration: 09:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-01 01:45:10
User: zardozman7

Recorded this song from my Vinyl Record. Columbia Records 1978. Great Songs, Human Emotion and She Finally Crossed over.


zardozman7  2008-02-27 19:19:22

latykai  2007-10-20 15:12:01

the soul, the richness, the story telling, the honesty what a song what a singer wow
zardozman7  2007-10-12 19:58:30

I like it, the whole record is awesome. Darn good songs :)
DaKiddo06  2007-09-29 09:06:43

darn good song

Aaron Kreke - C3 Full Contact Fighting - 12/1/07

Duration: 06:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-02 23:17:50
User: jiujitsu138

Aaron "The Tower of Power" Kreke www.teamcorral.com www.myspace.com/teamcorral www.c3fighter.com


goshinryuhasselt  2007-12-18 07:28:49

this proves that you don't alwais have to be a huge guy (could be usefull tho)
bigraydaddy1  2007-12-14 01:36:21

Way to go Tall Man.

The Side Show For EDA

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-04 03:29:23
User: doniche25

Ang Bigatin Ng Bacolod



Sandra Poljoprivredna skola sombor

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-26 19:56:34
User: srdjankelic

nije losa ali jebali smo mi i bolje...


5 justXjoeking facts

Duration: 06:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 23:35:39
User: justXjoeking

5 facts about me


FIREBOY48  2008-01-22 17:50:35

good vid making skills, BTW i subscribed madd funny too!!!!
justXjoeking  2008-01-20 00:21:15

thank you ^_^
TheScooch  2008-01-19 23:59:59

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jim Carrey air hump, hahahahah, classic, you'll get famous, I can tell.

[videosigla] Power Ranger - 1a serie (sigla iniziale)

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-12 15:31:51
User: imperodeicartoni



Kelly Clarkson - Never Again Lyrics

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-27 02:39:58
User: shamaling

The Lyrics to Never Again by Kelly Clarkson


Cherry Pie

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-26 19:30:38
User: ccfinalchapter

Sean Doing Cherry Pie


yoursickk  2008-03-03 18:45:52

this rules

Part 2 - The Proper Role of Government

Duration: 08:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-26 04:14:08
User: StillSmallVoices

Ezra Taft Benson
