Monday, September 3, 2007

Extreme Off-Road Rock Crawling

Duration: 09:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-13 15:13:51
User: kfieler
:::: Favorites

March 10th, 2007 - An extreme off-road, rock crawling event at Cougar Buttes, Mojave Desert, near Lucerne Valley, California - U.S.A.

TOPWATERBAIT ::: Favorites
07-03-31 19:41:42
rangiemadharry ::: Favorites
wats that based on?
07-04-08 16:53:19
hofferman ::: Favorites
thats Marlin's Formula Toyota. Its an aftermarket tube chassis built by Hendrix motorsports that you weld onto your toyota frame.
07-04-14 21:33:01
youngjinkimusic ::: Favorites
lol they all crashed
07-06-07 21:26:28
Oskinvold ::: Favorites
very challenging course
07-06-28 18:47:44
genesio1965 ::: Favorites
sem comentarios!!!!!!!
07-07-01 13:45:35

Family Guy - Peters Physical

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-13 16:06:18
User: lillennon
:::: Favorites

Peter Griffin receiving his physical results..

Indianslvr2 ::: Favorites
wow thats gay but i get it its kinda funny but the doctors a FREAK and hes got man boobs lol
07-08-30 15:28:39
cordysmallmomsg ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-29 12:08:38
Trainmaster1212 ::: Favorites
07-08-28 22:21:55
zuraunda ::: Favorites
07-08-27 21:55:27
iluvanessa ::: Favorites
07-08-21 17:01:46
SpectorZ23 ::: Favorites
lmfao i'm not sure how to say this
07-08-18 17:33:52
sasori118 ::: Favorites
awsome xp
07-07-29 18:01:29
ymrinr1 ::: Favorites
lol lol lol
07-07-29 11:06:55
screwstontex ::: Favorites
haha funny
07-07-16 20:46:34
Lekter ::: Favorites
hahhaahhah wow funny shit
07-07-04 02:06:19

Bodyweight Strength

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 14:59:10
User: GarySparrowHawk
:::: Favorites

Bodyweight Strength

htownmatt ::: Favorites
my side pull ups are very different to those.
07-08-25 10:10:18
ShadowMaestro ::: Favorites
Very impressive and inspirational. Makes me feel motivated to work to performing the same.
07-08-05 23:33:35
pkryane6 ::: Favorites
Poor ab-wheel rollouts: keep your arms straight out in front of you, for one arm push ups keep your arm tucked in at your side. Everything else solid.
07-06-24 11:53:51
david11111111 ::: Favorites
Good work here. Ross Enemait is one of the best and most ethical writers in this field. His information is excellent and well presented.
07-06-20 10:14:34
TraceurZeno ::: Favorites
Hope you are still training well! Zeno
07-05-08 16:16:37
tloski222 ::: Favorites
Ross Enaimat Rules, I have been using ross training books for the past few months. That man has changed my life. Great video. check out mine, its under one legged squats
07-04-10 22:24:35
GarySparrowHawk ::: Favorites
Pistols require a good balance of lots of qualities (inc. strength, balance, felxibility etc) So work on those qualities really. Try hold a Medicine ball out infront of you or raise the heel of your shoe, these things often help people to overcome the balance/flexibility aspect of the movement. Check out Ross' books and website. Some great people on there and really amazing info in Ross' books/articles that can answer you questions in greater detail than I ever could.
07-03-21 19:29:56
GarySparrowHawk ::: Favorites
hehe, cheers man.
07-03-21 19:24:13
mitoman7967 ::: Favorites
Fantastic job. I'm a big fan of Ross Enaimait. Quick question for you. How did you start out with the pistols?? I've been struggling with them for quite some time and I can still only do about halfway. I do hundreds of hindu squats with an 85 pound weighted bag but can't get one pistol. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
07-03-21 17:55:31
TuscaniManiac ::: Favorites
07-03-10 13:00:16

The Beatles - Imagine

Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-15 18:43:18
User: Georgemmm
:::: Favorites

the beatles - imagine videoclip

myaccount611 ::: Favorites
i was sayin that to somebody, it really should.
07-09-02 20:34:20
RockrChick18 ::: Favorites
John Lennon was the voice of the revolution!His voice,his words,and his soul live on,I would have loved to meet him!!!!!He was one of a kind,one in a billion!LONG LIVE JOHN LENNON!!!!!
07-09-01 23:46:16
qtrashlio ::: Favorites
Incredible song
07-08-31 00:27:10
runescapelvl126 ::: Favorites
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! wow, if you would know ANYTHING about the Beatles, JOHN LENNON MADE IMAGINE. god... but you know what? this song makes me not be mad at you. its only a mistake...
07-08-30 23:07:07
sophidella ::: Favorites
this shod be the worlds nashnal anthom
07-08-30 13:30:20
moondoggy63 ::: Favorites
a universal song, everyone should sing this everyday. we miss and love u john
07-08-29 13:01:13
jimad12 ::: Favorites
awesome John is a God
07-08-29 00:23:55
dolceline89 ::: Favorites
love it
07-08-19 21:34:59
tedkez ::: Favorites
Listen to these lyrics in the world we live in today and you may feel like crying.
07-08-03 20:59:00
b897princess ::: Favorites
john lennon!!!! NOT the beatles!!! errrr
07-08-03 20:55:08

Amp Energy Drink Commercial

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-31 20:24:33
User: qwerty33x
:::: Favorites

Its a fake commercial for amp, with a 300 parody thrown in just for fun. It was a school project. Enjoy.

ncm8907 ::: Favorites
awesome, hilarious, great job!
07-08-31 20:58:31
07-09-01 13:18:08
lionoil54321 ::: Favorites
lol very funny i will subscribe
07-09-01 13:58:11
boystalker99 ::: Favorites
querty needs to get rid of the first half
07-09-01 14:52:08
jonnywoot ::: Favorites
nice vid. funny too
07-09-01 16:04:11
chunkymonkeys123 ::: Favorites
haha, i like how his pinky sticks out while he drinks it. thats what i do sometimes
07-09-01 16:06:14
mendai1991 ::: Favorites
ahaha =] nice
07-09-01 16:07:33
fishbones99 ::: Favorites
07-09-01 17:05:52
easkylajaganshi ::: Favorites
07-09-01 18:51:22
VioletHeights ::: Favorites
I love AMP, dude! Great job.
07-09-02 13:04:46

Bioshock For Xbox 360

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-05 15:13:30
User: G4TV
:::: Favorites

A revolutionary FPS that goes beyond "run and gun corridors," "monster-closet AIs" and creates a living, unique and unpredictable world. For more go to WWW.G4TV.COM

ElmosGottaGun ::: Favorites
is he dead? like he just got a drill through him?!? o well still gonna get it!
07-09-02 00:06:29
SCGod ::: Favorites
The possessed girls are weird lol.
07-09-01 22:51:27
nalezatc285 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty cool for cute camgirls - <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B>
07-09-01 22:27:31
Crutchley29 ::: Favorites
"Angels don't wait for slowpokes"
07-09-01 10:36:48
nuthouseproductz ::: Favorites
07-09-01 08:18:26
LGilmour ::: Favorites
Epic Trailer.
07-08-30 20:04:20
nuthouseproductz ::: Favorites
It even looks good on my crappy tv witch is about 5 years old and it still rocks
07-08-30 15:13:46
nuthouseproductz ::: Favorites
Dude that sounded pritty weird lol
07-08-30 15:08:56
grantiusf1 ::: Favorites
bioshocks a class game but so people know the game isnt this graphical
07-08-30 11:21:07
Crutchley29 ::: Favorites
Completed it yesterday..Just such an amazing experience...its not even a game to me anymore..its a rollercoaster of feelings and emotion.
07-08-30 06:48:21

Bülent Ceylan Intro

Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-09 13:48:29
User: 121hans121
:::: Favorites

Ist die Intro von Halb Getürkt schauts euch an.

meryldeckelman5561 ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-31 13:24:53
tufo65 ::: Favorites
ich hab dafür bezahlt ich will den türk sehn hahahahahahahahahaha bestee yaa
07-08-25 19:23:20
emoacid ::: Favorites
eefach der beschde ^^
07-07-18 10:45:47
jDxLicious ::: Favorites
haha bülent is einfach nur geil.. geh oft in den quatsch comedyclub in berlin.. is immer geil da. kussi
07-07-17 15:50:11
dobermann112 ::: Favorites
Geil Bülent ist der Hammer ! Comedy Pur
07-07-06 10:01:55
Mannheimshoney ::: Favorites
ich will mehr vom bülent!!!
07-07-01 11:44:42
jetsplaya ::: Favorites
aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!monnermisch is der hammer! :-)))))
07-06-18 18:49:54
bestofmanyaklar ::: Favorites
hahahaahahahaa wo bist du mein sonnnenlich geillllll
07-06-03 11:04:25
demichl ::: Favorites
07-05-28 14:30:46
HakanSukur9Kral ::: Favorites
Bülent !!!!!! Beste Lan
07-05-25 17:48:16

Józef Klemens Piłsudski - Stoję przed jakąś dziwaczną trąbą

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 11:02:55
User: goku122
:::: Favorites

Nagranie głosu Józefa Piłsudskiego z 1924 roku.

hussar2343 ::: Favorites
Tomekszcz91 W polskim wojsku i polityce brakuje nam takich ludzi jak Piłsudski:Stanowczy i patriotyczny,przed nikim się nie ugiął i nie przybierał w słowach nie to co dzisiaj nasi psełdopatrioci z PiSu... baux85 Piłsudski zawsze uważał ruskich za swołocz i za to mu chwała! Oto sie Polska bila! Jak dobrze go uslyszec!
07-08-06 09:44:04
goku122 ::: Favorites
Twoja wiedza historyczna jest na poziomie gąbki morskiej.
07-08-02 05:18:17
Tomekszcz91 ::: Favorites
W polskim wojsku i polityce brakuje nam takich ludzi jak Piłsudski:Stanowczy i patriotyczny,przed nikim się nie ugiął i nie przybierał w słowach nie to co dzisiaj nasi psełdopatrioci z PiSu...
07-07-30 17:52:15
baux85 ::: Favorites
Piłsudski zawsze uważał ruskich za swołocz i za to mu chwała!
07-07-28 16:28:05
ditzhastati ::: Favorites
niemcy całą swoja gospodarke przekształcili na produkcję zbrojeniową, stąd znalazła sie praca dla ludzi i taka masa dobrego uzbrojenia. A jak wiemy armia na siebie nie zarabia więc rozpętała się wojna by Rzesza nie doznała bankructwa. Pozatym mieli mase kredytów za granica których nie widziało im sie spłacać. A Polska? Przypominam że przed 1918 nie istniało coś takiego u nas jak przemysł zbrojeniowy więc tak naprawde to my zaczynalismy od zera.
07-07-26 17:29:47
djmati90 ::: Favorites
niemcy od zera? mówisz o tych umozonych długach, i komisjach które przymykały oko na zbrojenia szwabów? a i niezapomnij że przed
07-07-23 15:44:22
Schayer01 ::: Favorites
Zauważcie jak przewidział, że jego głos może należeć do jakiegoś towarzystwa akcyjnego albo do trąby czyli właściwie takiego ówczesnego YouTube:)
07-07-17 04:45:47
panterv2 ::: Favorites
polska miała 20 lat na budowe potęgi od zera a niemcy musieli niedość że po 1 wojnie od zera sie budowac to jeszcze mieli długi i ograniczenia i se poradzili a ty co o polskiej inteligencji chrzanisz jakie żydy kurde co?? byłes tam że wieszze to żydzi?? nie!! więc niepieprz głupot znalazł sie obrońca żydów jak tak ich lubisz to jedź do izraela na niewinnych libańczyków napadać
07-07-16 15:49:34
goku122 ::: Favorites
Nie przechwalaj się swoim antysemityzmem, bo gdyby polska inteligencja (która w większości składała się z ludności pochodzenia Żydowskiego) nie została w większości wymordowana przez Nazistów i Sowietów, to nie dalibyśmy sobie tak łatwo narzucić komunizmu po wojnie.
07-07-16 10:12:48
goku122 ::: Favorites
Jeśli myślisz, że ledwo co odrodzone państwo miało jakieś szanse z militarną potęgą nazistów zaopatrzoną w najnowsze wytwory technologii wojennej, to się bardzo, ale to bardzo mylisz. I tak cudem było, że Blitzkrieg trwał aż tak długo (tylko dzięki nieustępliwości Polaków, którzy w przeciwieństwie do Francuzów nie złożyli broni).
07-07-16 10:12:26

Беловежская пуща. Belovezgskaya a dense forest.

Duration: 07:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-17 13:03:05
User: BDHchoir
:::: Favorites

"Big Children's Choir" collections, 1977.

verenecutebabebp ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-09-01 23:33:15
arakhachatran ::: Favorites
The best rendition of this song was performed by Bella RUdenko in late 70s. Does anybody know what happened to her? To whom Pakhmutova gave permission to sing this song first?
07-08-08 00:10:14
natureschild2000 ::: Favorites
A terrific tool for unity of humanity. Would be good to see subtitles in English for the American community. Thanks for sharing this treasure of music and youth, universal!
07-07-31 22:32:14
Yurazzz ::: Favorites
эх, мы тоже так пели в 80х. "Рыцари Песни", Харьков, СШ 51. Наш руководитель был Василий Иванович Томчук, а концертмейстер Марьяна ... непомню.
07-07-17 01:05:48
gurugoga ::: Favorites
takaya pesnya i kamen' pastopit!!!
07-07-06 11:34:56
mevampire ::: Favorites
сейчас так уже не поют, русскую эстраду заполнили блатные бездари.
07-07-05 08:10:37
marisha74 ::: Favorites
Я сначала думала, что это девушка :)
07-06-20 16:13:17
advocatel ::: Favorites
this is great... i prefer pesnyari still... i think the chord progression is a big more complicated... here you have a whole choir, he's just one guy...
07-06-15 14:47:20
Yuriy21 ::: Favorites
"Ничего невозможно вернуть, как на солнце не вытравить пятна! И в обратный отправившись путь, всё равно не вернёшься обратно. Эта истина очень проста,и она точно смерть непреложна - можно в те же вернуться края, но вернуться назад невозможно". Н. Новиков
07-06-04 12:19:42
AleKaban ::: Favorites
Awesome! Песня-великолепная просто.Голос у парнишки-потрясающий.Было же время.Эх...Верните меня в детство!
07-05-23 19:01:44


Duration: 06:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 15:13:35
User: yzermanrule
:::: Favorites

Prince. Bitches.

gessIsRaunchy ::: Favorites
"Do you guys want some grapes ... bitches!" awesome
07-09-02 14:14:40
bookhound63 ::: Favorites
That was pretty funny yzermanrule. Thanks for sharing it Liverladd.
07-09-02 07:35:04
pr0ud1nf1del ::: Favorites
LOL! Dave is great.
07-09-02 06:19:19
721508 ::: Favorites
2.35 'still in the same shit they had on at the club"! lol!
07-09-02 05:37:17
SerpiesDawn ::: Favorites
07-09-02 03:51:08
spasticclown ::: Favorites
Charlie Murphy can spin a fuckin' yarn. He's funny as hell.
07-09-02 03:24:33
LIVERLADD ::: Favorites
I love them Charlie Murphy stories lol "I`m Rick James bitch"
07-09-02 01:24:43
cocomini ::: Favorites
i love this its hilarious
07-08-30 01:16:47
aaronivan ::: Favorites
mickey free!!! haha lol
07-08-28 17:52:38
twilliams2121 ::: Favorites
ardian32 you have to watch the movie purple rain to actually get that joke a part of the movie Prince and Appollonia ride out on his motorcycle to lake minnetonka and purify themselves
07-08-27 20:38:45

Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart

Duration: 07:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-15 04:52:41
User: VideoStauber
:::: Favorites

80er Jahre Stuff

agent1543 ::: Favorites
1984 ... Big Brother Is Watching ...
07-09-02 23:09:34
kianaconcannon6584 ::: Favorites
Very cool vid! Visit FLINGS4FREE dot COM for fun flings anytime!
07-09-02 09:34:15
musiccreator2000 ::: Favorites
07-09-01 14:16:50
rowanlloyd ::: Favorites
oh i see You24ever, you were TRYING to say "which country are Yes from"
07-09-01 08:10:44
mjn76 ::: Favorites
Awful lyrics, repetitive, trite. Ugh.
07-09-01 01:38:59
chrisacc82 ::: Favorites
They are from UK, but Trevor Rabin, the guitarist, is from Johnannesburg, South Africa
07-08-31 21:23:05
petizorock227 ::: Favorites
det er moro å se da de menn i svart tar "spionen", hehehe!
07-08-31 03:38:01
flegmenhaimer ::: Favorites
so needless the ending "don't deceive your free will at all", not made sense!
07-08-31 01:28:01
kirye100 ::: Favorites
07-08-30 12:42:28
kirye100 ::: Favorites
07-08-30 12:40:59

Beautiful Ladies (Beautiful Girls) - Opihi Pickers

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-03 01:18:52
User: palaka808
:::: Favorites

Music video from Hawaii group Opihi Pickers directed by Jay Hanamura. Song is from their OP VI album.

krazykssd554 ::: Favorites
The movie is hot.. you can get the complete version on _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ -krazykssd554
07-09-03 01:36:06
airamdontask ::: Favorites
ch'yea man!
07-09-03 01:27:24
noelmo08 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 09:31:00
bebbz808 ::: Favorites
i heart this song, it remind me of this boy, like this is wat his personality is like hehehe...
07-09-01 20:41:52
hawngirl808 ::: Favorites
this song is so awesome and funny!!
07-09-01 02:41:25
liLmiZzcOnfUSed ::: Favorites
imua garza is sexy brah!
07-08-18 22:47:33
missymaddison808 ::: Favorites
hawaii mililani represent!!! and wahiawa!!
07-08-17 00:51:50
4reelbra ::: Favorites
07-08-15 01:27:16
narutoroxmisox ::: Favorites
My teacher got POed at my class becuz we got this song stuck in his head from singing it so much!
07-08-14 03:17:33
airamdontask ::: Favorites
ahaha its tiffa! ROFL I love this video
07-08-12 03:05:30

C-BLOCK - Summertime (1997)

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 05:02:15
User: eurorap
:::: Favorites

The music video to C-Block - Summertime. To find out more about this artist, such as biographies, discographies, pictures, lyrics etc then visit . Many of the big artists are also members in our community. We would also like to thank for the great service of being able to provide you all with our videos.

Alpha0Centaur ::: Favorites
When I'm listening this song in my heart is also summertime.
07-08-26 00:39:34
ungutitu00 ::: Favorites
this is the real rap music!!!
07-08-15 09:58:03
hmrimm ::: Favorites
So much better than American rap...
07-07-22 21:23:56
ndufh ::: Favorites
1997....the best summer of my life!!!!!!!
07-07-17 10:25:13
dessyska ::: Favorites
SuPeRRRRrrrr C-BLOCK yeahhhhh mnoooooo ste qki!!! I want to turn back in the summer of 1997.....BeSt years of my life 4ever!!!
07-07-08 06:15:36
Mooofff ::: Favorites
A great song from the good old time!!!
07-07-06 15:44:47
fanevski ::: Favorites
07-06-27 12:25:38
aalikaj ::: Favorites
07-06-19 16:47:21
LetiziaRocca ::: Favorites
OMG I was 12 back then!!!!I'm gettin kinda old...
07-06-19 11:48:06
nobiggie90 ::: Favorites
this track is king!
07-06-12 10:44:33

Briscoe Football

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-25 18:51:50
User: WildcardHB
:::: Favorites

Behind the scenes with the Briscoe Hawks Football team featuring Brian Urlacher, LaDainian Tomlinson, Michael Vick, Troy Polamalu, Matt Leinart and more. This video is part of the 2006 Nike Gridiron advertising campaign. Briscoe High is completely fictional. It's named after the first black quarterback in the NFL. Check out for more info.

cat4242 ::: Favorites
why dont u shut up
07-08-31 15:24:38
Gman1818 ::: Favorites
Nike goes all out in they're ads...damn!!
07-08-25 22:08:20
dextercaffee18 ::: Favorites
if this was a high school team they would kill
07-08-24 21:31:52
akhan9 ::: Favorites
to bad vick getting his sorry ass thrown in jail
07-08-21 15:39:37
tcsong194 ::: Favorites
imagine if those players were on the same fucking team they would win every game 110-3
07-08-13 10:57:56
eric597232 ::: Favorites
u guys r morons, sorry but to beleve that they all went to the same school...come on common sence
07-08-05 23:27:38
FrenchFootballLegend ::: Favorites
Lol, Jimmy Johnson the History teacher.
07-07-05 19:55:22
SexyRexyLover8 ::: Favorites
Nah. It's just one of those fake commercials. Don Shula wasn't head coach there. Urban Meyer wasn't an assistant(although I love his cameo!!) [The Briscoe guy might actually have something do do with the school..have no idea.] But it'a a cool commercial.
07-07-05 00:20:21
PEYTONpt ::: Favorites
vick is alsome
07-07-04 23:48:00
TasteyCookies ::: Favorites
TY!!! i was so confused....
07-06-17 19:56:48

A Leto Sandwich

Duration: 06:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-03 10:58:38
User: karaboo
:::: Favorites

Jared and Shannon Leto are interviewed on Off Centre TV. Courtesy of, and FrenchyEchelon on the official boards. And be sure to check out as well!

YoShiLolitA ::: Favorites
XD Yo también, no entiendo nada T-T
07-07-28 18:20:21
xnemesesx ::: Favorites
Eu quero entender o que else falam :(
07-07-23 20:35:06
mrswilliambeckett5 ::: Favorites
shannon and jared are my uncles n my friend is gunna marry jared
07-07-18 06:18:30
katie3496 ::: Favorites
they r so sexy
07-07-02 23:32:16
xbabygirl12x ::: Favorites
jared leto is hot =D and that women kicks that other interviwers ass from tasteittv now she sucks her name is briget but this one is better
07-06-26 11:07:48
MissMaRi10 ::: Favorites
Funny and fucking hilarious interview ever... I love Leto brothers <They are both soOo cute> <3
07-06-20 18:26:32
Aiveen ::: Favorites
omg!!!!!!!!! this is the funnied interview ever!! i wish i had been the interviewer :P yay - i love the leto brothers <3
07-06-11 16:05:28
30lozmola30 ::: Favorites
god this is the funniest vid ive ever seen! i love the leto brothers!! they rok!!! i love how shannon can laugh his butt off then immediately have a serious face lol he makes me laugh, oh n jared's british accent is frikkin hilarious lol jared is the hottest guy to walk this earth lol!
07-06-10 10:14:37
JammyDodgerBeans ::: Favorites
ROFLCOPTER! mwaha that made me crack up soo much
07-05-25 09:19:35
ilicarolina ::: Favorites
i love this interview.. they both are goofies!!!lol i love them i simply love them! lool
07-05-22 21:56:37