Saturday, August 25, 2007

Strong Supporters of Ron Paul in Des Moines

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 03:18:30
User: n1gh1wa1ker
:::: Favorites

Here is the coverage by the ABC affiliate in Des Moines of the rally outside the debate at Drake University.

metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
Paul voted in 1997, 2001 and 2002 to grant, extend or continue Section 245-i amnesties for illegal aliens. Paul voted NO on extending the voluntary Basic Pilot Workplace Verification Program Paul voted NO on the border fence in 2005 (Hunter Amendment to HR 4437 Paul voted YES to increase H2-B and H-1B visas,In 1998, he voted to allow US firms to lay off Americans to replace them with foreigners newswithviews. com/public_comm/public_commentary48. htm
07-08-22 16:57:39
Infowarrior19832006 ::: Favorites
oh really you are a disgrace prove to us ron paul supporters that he is for amnesty he is against the north american union hes a protector for America dont give me this oh hes for amnesty check your facts before you accuse him of shit kapish?
07-08-22 15:00:44
metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
Paul voted in 1997, 2001 and 2002 to grant, extend or continue Section 245-i amnesties for illegal aliens. Paul voted NO on extending the voluntary Basic Pilot Workplace Verification Program Paul voted NO on the border fence in 2005 (Hunter Amendment to HR 4437 Paul voted YES to increase H2-B and H-1B visas,In 1998, he voted to allow US firms to lay off Americans to replace them with foreigners newswithviews. com/public_comm/public_commentary48. htm
07-08-22 16:57:29
CharlesALindbergh ::: Favorites
Look how Ron Paul has FIRED UP young folks! This video shows the patriots who showed up at 6am Sunday morning in Des Moines at Drake University to cheer a true American hero. And to boo the Neocon creeps who have hijacked our government and media.
07-08-18 13:58:56
Bumblebee033 ::: Favorites
END MACHINE-BASED VOTING: Sign this petition by "We The Patriots(dot)org" Let's Bring back the FAIR, and ACCURAT, hand counted paper ballot system at: w w w(dot)wethepatriots(dot)org Please sign your name to our letter to Congress and let them know we want an OPEN paper hand count of every vote. NO MORE HACK JOB MACHINES !
07-08-16 16:01:45
Bumblebee033 ::: Favorites
THEY CHEATED !! in the Iowa straw poll, Take A look At The results of the hand counted exit polls.. Ron Paul 332 Tom Tancredo 150 Mikw Huckabee 187 Fred Thompson 8 Tommy Thompson 39 Mitt Romney 90 Duncan Hunter 12 Hillary Clinton 1 John McCain 5 Sam Brownback 62 John Cox 4 Dennis Kucinich 1 Rudy Giuliani 6 Total 897 Ron Paul WINS hands down! We must get rid of these DIEBOLD machines that can be easily hacked if Ron Paul has A prayer of winning. Bring back paper ballots !!!
07-08-14 15:31:55
tescr ::: Favorites
Time to get out. Out in the streets with signs. Out in the flea markets and fairs with fliers. Out in the meetup groups.
07-08-14 01:03:56
theropingeffect ::: Favorites
You guys need to move your sign waving to a freeway overpass or a busy intersection. Great enthusiasm though and you made it on the news so I guess that makes me an ass.
07-08-12 04:50:55
Jamsie567 ::: Favorites
If we pull out the Fed Reserve now the economy will go under Ron Paul will prepare us by closing down military bases and bring funding back to America to support the crash. Why is it important we do this look at the economy we are going bankrupt we can declare it now and fix it for keep burying ourselves and become a third world country. We live in a fantasy world and rightfully so we been a super power for so long it time to wake up America. Were not just internet!
07-08-11 09:50:15
j4ck2234 ::: Favorites
I smell will see.
07-08-10 22:38:22
ladalang ::: Favorites
He may not rank high in the propaganda polls that we only report, but.... what a bunch of bull. Grudignly giving him his due.
07-08-09 22:50:11
beckweth ::: Favorites
hahaha - "The propaganda polls" - That's what I'll say when I hear about his poll #'s.
07-08-10 09:55:29
xleax ::: Favorites
haha. propaganda polls. that's a nice way to put it.
07-08-10 15:28:52
boratFAN999 ::: Favorites
Great! Simply great!
07-08-09 14:38:05
dbarsell ::: Favorites
Fantastic news coverage. Dedicated patriots fighting to restore natural freedoms. Loved it. Inspired to action. See ya' on the streets.
07-08-08 13:55:49
anime4girl ::: Favorites
if i could, i would already have a banner for Ron Paul in front of my home in the heart city of Perth, Australia.
07-08-08 09:17:57
DASHDOT2 ::: Favorites
rudy giuliani is a bum
07-08-08 02:55:43
pinkrose1969 ::: Favorites
Love this video...Prez Ron Paul is the best!!!
07-08-08 08:31:27
momerath42 ::: Favorites
People should email that affiliate with thanks for the positive coverage!
07-08-08 02:51:37
lillyxx24 ::: Favorites
This is Great!! Pass it on and keep up the fight!!
07-08-08 02:17:05

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