Saturday, August 25, 2007


Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 15:53:00
User: dudeiwantacar
:::: Favorites

krossadgitarr ::: Favorites
allså jag gjorde som du, och det blev ju skit snyggt =) jag hade igen aning am att att måla rosor var så enkelt!
07-06-22 11:51:56
dudeiwantacar ::: Favorites
tack sa mycket
07-06-25 17:34:46
asianluver2234 ::: Favorites
Wow really awesome, and for a free sketch too! I'd be more amazed what you draw for a living XDDD man i would purchase one of your drawings, but maybe its unaforable since they're so good XD
07-06-05 21:24:19
DemonicAnthony ::: Favorites
You can sing and you can draw. What else can the amazing John do? Hurry, whats the meaning of life?
07-06-04 14:33:21
dudeiwantacar ::: Favorites
lol, i am actually an artist- it was just a little doodle;p
07-06-04 14:38:20
DemonicAnthony ::: Favorites
You're really good at what you do. :)
07-06-04 17:42:27
slamnxgirlxjulie ::: Favorites
nice flower but the sing sort of offense..put beyonce on or something in your next video plz :)
07-05-11 14:59:26
dudeiwantacar ::: Favorites
i think it fits perfectly with the song ;o)
07-05-18 09:40:46
AnimationAge ::: Favorites
Awesome. I haven't drawn in a while but have been putting a lot more time into video editing. Check out my two videos.
07-04-20 22:11:06
bernhardjohansenetc ::: Favorites
Wow, your drawings totally kick ass. Scissors Sisters also kick ass. ;)
07-04-05 10:27:51
dudeiwantacar ::: Favorites
thanks stud
07-04-07 14:56:14

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