Friday, August 17, 2007

Scooter - Nessaja @ big brother norway

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 06:05:51
User: jaipajaipa
:::: Favorites

ricky goes mad again and this time crashes the keyboard.... xD

Albopilosum ::: Favorites
Scooter you are the best !!
07-01-18 14:47:49
imlokin ::: Favorites
scooter suxxx
07-03-03 06:38:47
dickintoyourass ::: Favorites
you suck baby, scooter are the best!!! love this song and this band!!! and always will!!!
07-03-08 15:33:59
samannjam ::: Favorites
Scooter rocks
07-03-11 23:44:30
kevinew ::: Favorites
scooter ruleZz
07-04-04 12:55:42
meatboy92 ::: Favorites
Norge er best (H) very good song... ;p
07-04-13 02:57:31
KoMuhu2 ::: Favorites
playback... lol.. Scooter <2 :)
07-04-15 09:25:00
Brainkicker ::: Favorites
Scooter ROCKS! Hot dansers
07-05-13 11:58:18
TeacupOfDoom ::: Favorites
LOL the totally didnt play that live. still AWESOME song.
07-08-14 01:35:04

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