Friday, August 24, 2007

Re. John Cena Haters 2

Duration: 07:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 12:25:36
User: DANTEsavage
:::: Favorites

Truthslayer Is A Mental

NYRangerfan625 ::: Favorites
OMG did you just say jeff jarret can outdraw john cena??????????? get off whatever drugs youre on...btw im not a woman or a kid cena haters always sttereotype its dumb
07-08-08 00:57:07
NYRangerfan625 ::: Favorites
i am right dont question me i am the man you know im right truthslayer.........but of course im not being arrogant....again DANTE has contradicted himself
07-08-08 00:54:00
NYRangerfan625 ::: Favorites
DANTEsavage wants to talk about 5 moves? ok lets talk about 5 moves....hogan austin rock they all have 5 moves they are better and more over than cena but dont hate on cena's moveset and at the same time glorify guys who have the same amount of moves
07-08-08 00:52:34
LAX5150187 ::: Favorites
i Totally Agree with you...and i hear somebody laguhin in the background lol
07-08-07 07:33:49
heartburnkid ::: Favorites
Rock Got mixed reactions....against practiacally everyone post 2002. And against HHH, Angle, Austin....douchebag. Austin got them against the Rock....
07-07-19 10:29:16
TraciPeteyforlife ::: Favorites
Yes Cena will never stand up to Daniels, Styles,Jody, Johnny,RodrickStrong,AustinAires,CheerleaderMelissa,Allison Danger,Beth Phoniex,Bryan Danielson. watch something else kids. 1PW, ROH, PWG, IWG, and goddess knows how many other promotions. quite bitching about anything Cena related and go watch something else. Yes Punk, King Booker or exct would do well. in my opinon however Punk is best as a heel. Because he's better than us! For the record Kurt Angle sucks on the mic.
07-07-14 07:03:04
DANTEsavage ::: Favorites
ok then lmao
07-07-14 13:26:52
TheDicamillo ::: Favorites
ur cocky but i like ur attitude ur definatly right u should be a wrestler urself
07-07-16 04:53:32
TraciPeteyforlife ::: Favorites
that's fine. you and Xcellance still do great vids. love yeah both.
07-07-18 05:57:53
donald7475 ::: Favorites
Sting probably the only wrestler that never got a mix reaction but only a couple time when he was a heel in WCW and that's because he was facing Bret Hart in Canada.
07-07-26 05:40:02
TraciPeteyforlife ::: Favorites
kids, Cena reaches out to that strange we love all things rap generation, or casual wrestling fans. they have made him out to be super man. which means for what ever reason he's drawing big time. while won't watch Cena if it would get me into American Dragons bed. I do know that he draws like mad. so just let it go. if you look back even the Rock seems stupid to some degree. but in the day he drew like mad. so just let it go. watch something else like I do, if Cena isn't your cup of tea.
07-07-13 01:17:03
elsanto ::: Favorites
CENA SUCKS truthslayer is blinded by the WWE
07-07-12 23:10:05
DANTEsavage ::: Favorites
If they were in cena's position as in in the main event of wrestlemania against hbk they would have out drawn cena, if they were in his position they would out draw him.
07-07-12 08:35:19
squigglyjoe ::: Favorites
Also, you can't just say "I'm right" and make it so, you have to back up your arguments with facts. Lol at the comment about Noel Edmonds though :D
07-07-12 05:56:50
squigglyjoe ::: Favorites
Vince DID listen to the fans when they turned on the Rosie/Trump skit. That's why he came out the next week and read out the 'letter from Trump', which basically acknowledged that the entire skit had been a disaster.
07-07-12 05:53:40
orangefender05 ::: Favorites
people that say how can cena suck he is the champion...its cuz he is like batista, and alot of other ones that used to be good and then got lazy after a main event status..he doesnt even really wrestle and entertain me, in my opinion the borefest of ladder matches was him and edge...sad part is i love edge and his matches..but o well cena will lose the belt to orton
07-07-12 00:57:43
orangefender05 ::: Favorites
well i would just say that TNA is not world renown like the WWE, i didnt start watching TNA til like 9 months ago...but if angle or sting was in WWE i could see it maybe happening...i dunno but The Rock would no doubt..
07-07-12 00:54:20
Truthslayer ::: Favorites
I never said the Rock I said four guys in TNA
07-07-12 01:14:41
orangefender05 ::: Favorites
i know i was just stating the fact that The Rock could outdraw just about all of em...but those guys in TNA even in Cenas shoes i dunno...why is cena loved by the fans that love him is a diff reason than why sting or angel would be cheered...thats another thing to think about
07-07-13 00:22:45
TheDicamillo ::: Favorites
steve austin is way better that the rock he bet himin wrestlemania 15 and 17
07-07-16 04:58:45

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