Sunday, April 13, 2008

You see, i found an egg...

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-09 20:07:08

digi egg gets pwned also some digimon 2


shinetheagumon  2008-02-22 19:25:24

You suck at videos and life. Digimon rocks and Pokemon suck (TO ME!) but they can be friends I just don't like a lot of Pokemon they say pikapikapika...
destroyah9  2007-12-24 15:30:23

sorry again etyhan typed this you rt****8
destroyah9  2007-12-24 15:29:24

sorry josh typed this f u wdfc
destroyah9  2007-12-24 15:28:41

destroyah9  2007-12-24 15:27:56


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