Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Re: Who would be the best President?

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 16:24:28

Please Read Click ( More ) http://a1st.us/2008/republican-presidential-candidates.htm Republican Presidential Candidates http://a1st.us/2008/democratic-presidential-candidates.htm Democratic Presidential Candidates Please View Below Ron Paul Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG2PUZoukfA Please Watch Below Dennis Kucinich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNXP1djL27A http://RonPaul2008.com/ Who would be the best President? We The People Ron Paul : Don't Stop Dreaming of New Hope... Vote Ron Paul


optical76  2008-02-13 01:30:23

never thought of those two together. that would be sweet. ron paul wont be involved in a third party though. he says hes a republican and thats it. they should add mccain and huckabee on the third party. and call it the muthafuckin neocon party
superbboys  2008-01-26 04:39:55

5 stars
johnreon  2008-01-25 01:28:52

Well Ron Paul will run as a 3rd party do to over whelming support and left over cash that he can not give back... Ron Paul is for We The People and he wont let us down...
fireflycats  2008-01-25 00:25:31

Today when I heard Dennis Kucinich was going to drop out, he said he won't be endorsing another DEMOCRAT, which got me thinking of who he just might endorse... stay tuned!
blakethepacifist  2008-01-25 00:25:18

Ron Paul says he wont run 3rd party but im sure he has that ace up his sleeve. If it was a Paul/Kucinich ticket, we could actually win.

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