Monday, April 7, 2008

Beautiful medieval Islamic architecture

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-16 11:39:43

Beautiful Islamic architecture (Mosques) with a traditional Arabic song. The song is called Ya taiba.


magmigmag  2008-02-27 13:27:36

MonCheRachael  2008-02-21 23:02:26

acerb45666555  2008-02-16 01:30:45

Sweeeet! 5/5 :) )O( Blessed Be :)
Qa3Qaa3  2008-01-12 09:03:42

Well, they did build over it, improve it and make it look more Islamic.
dellatsni  2008-01-11 10:12:06

To Islam's credit, there have been beautiful buildings built in its name. However, You show St Sophia! Your forefathers over ran Turkey and took AN EXISTING structure and turned it into a mosque! Leave credit where credit is due.

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