Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Kingdom Hearts 2 Sea Salt Ice Cream

Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-09 20:31:21
User: Pikangie
:::: Favorites

An AMV parody of Diz and Roxas from Kingdom hearts II, who are apparently obsessed with sea salt ice cream.

HypernessOverload ::: Favorites
07-08-27 02:49:35
thessie ::: Favorites
Axel: Roxas, don't let him feel you! ...XD bloody brilliant
07-06-24 21:20:55
imasolidsnake ::: Favorites
07-06-19 20:40:49
kkarilaid ::: Favorites
right should bediz: he holds half of soras icecream power within him... ´in the end he have to give it back .. until then he ned antoher icecream to throw of his pursuers xemnas:poor icecream diz: that the desteny of a icecream xD ya thats shoudl be cool
07-06-13 12:23:18
kkarilaid ::: Favorites
my icecream belongs to my xD
07-06-08 06:31:38
88eel ::: Favorites
You should put in the part when Sora's pod opened: Roxas: Sora you are lucky, you can have all my ice-cream. Still, two of my ribs almost cracked when I watched the video. ;P
07-06-01 09:59:32
assass61 ::: Favorites
You also should have done "He holds half of Sora's Ice cream" that would have been funnier but the vid is still good
07-05-21 14:22:38
assass61 ::: Favorites
When diz and axel were shouting "Roxas" and he says Hayner Pence.. you should have replaced one of them with ice cream instead of th part where he shouts the names
07-05-18 11:48:12
Kingdomheartstime ::: Favorites
mmmmmm ice cream
07-05-16 19:20:30
FoxieNaru ::: Favorites
uhm... its not a gud idea to take a lot of salty icecream in one gulp... it becomes really revolting. i tried it yesterday, at a sleepover, and then didnt have any power left for a pillow fight... =_= or maybe it's me who put too much salt XD
07-05-13 17:29:49

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